New Small Groups will begin starting Monday April 3,2023 and Wednesday April 5,2023 details below
Strength after Breast Cancer :
4 Mondays starting April 3-24,2023
55 minute group Based on the PAL study
Learn safe and effective exercise techniques to progress your weight training
Core, cardio and stretching will be included
Other issues to be address: lymphedema,, ADLS, Fatigue, Energy Conservation, Body Mechanics and much more.
Cost: $375.00
Strength After Cancer:
4 Wednesdays starting April 5-26,2023
55 minute. group
Learn safe and effective exercise techniques to getting your energy and strength back after cancer.
Urban Poling, Core, Stretching and more
Other issues to be addressed fatigue, ADL’s, energy conservation, joint protection, equipment needs and much more
Cost: $375.00
For more information contact: Ann Marie Turo, OTR/L 781-622-0515